On this entry of the b-log, I would like address the current events of my school year. *While you are reading, imagine a five years old little girl is writing the text*
My favorite class so far is Arts&Comm 2. Which is a class where you can just sit around and play music/do whatever you feel like. Our goal for the class/final exam is to make a music CD, put on a show, basically forming a band. Which in my case, it is comical and stress-less. I haven't got my job title yet, but when I do, my homework for that class would be just compose music and design some posters.
I do worry about all the showoff posers who thinks they can just tap on the guitar and play a Cmajor Chord again and again, they might not be as useful to the class as the yellow goat that screams "MILK ME!". Since they already classified themselves are "special individuals", I promised them that I will not help them in anyway(unless my teacher forces us to work together). Overall, I'm very excited to help to make the CD and play in the show (maybe).
On the other news, I also stuck with this keyboarding class with the Freshmen, for the 1 semester. It was unhappy news at first, but since it is the first class in the morning, and I am very confident that I may know more than the teacher, I can just relax and enjoy the morning and or even talk to some lolis (shoutout to Ian Stanfield).
The first week just ended, there are much more, like 9 months more, then I'll be somewhere else in this world, doing what I love.
Thank you for reading, even though I made no relation to your life, sorry :D
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