Niki Sanders(Heroes), who has 2 personalities. One is weak and the other is Super strength, then she got owned by fire (5% of relation to this post). And here we have Kim Noble, a non-fictional human and an artist who has 12 multiple personalities. Each of them can paint different styles, it's like CatDog except she has only one digestive system. The way our brains process things never ceases to astound me. The question I want to ask is does each of her personalities has its own style of love making?
The thought of having dissociative identity disorder can be scary, but imagine if you are an musician, who can do multiple styles of music, you would be bigger than MJ. Well, you can do that as a normal person, and not molest the next Home Alone star. So... never mind.
If you look at the paintings she is holding, you can see the little girl jumped into a cup of orange juice, then ate the pea pod that's on top and transformed into a wolf and starting howling at the moon.
Thanks, Nehc Ytsanyd. (source)
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